Tagged 'Lights'


6 votes

"Turns on or off various parameters in all selected lights (show attenuation - show cone - etc). This lets you quickly ""clean"" your viewport of unneeded mess when you have lots of lights in your scene."


4 votes

Just started to play with MaxScripting and thought it would be fun to make something.... Well - at least it is partly my work since it is a heavily modified version of DomeLight by Christopher Subagio. Now you can get light from a Plane!!

Intensity Shifter

5 votes

Simple little macroscript that shifts your light multiplier up a specified percentage


4 votes

"This script simulates global illumination. Based on the skyDome principle - it allows you to choose an object as a light emmiter - it will hold one light on each of its vertices. Light color - intensity and common parameters depend either on the value of the softselection you made on the vertices - or on the diffuse map used by the support.

Nurbs Light

5 votes

"Nurbs Light places omni lights on any NURBS surface (along iso lines) in order to simulate area light. This will result in soft shadows and GI look.
Version 1.7 Update: all lights are created as instances - updating lights should work bit faster - also Cast Shadows checkbox bug removed.


7 votes

A simple utility to simulate diffuse outdoor daylight from clouded sky by creating a hemisphere and lights at each vertex using the color of the diffuse map.


7 votes

Let's you quickly add or subtract a selection of objects to a selection of lights. Pick the objects that need to be added or subtracted - hit the first button. Choose to add or subtract - then hit the second button. Objects will be added to existing list - so if it's already got an exclude list - they'll be added to that. If it has an include list - well - they'll be added to that.

Light Converter

8 votes

Will convert any number of selected lights to a different type.

MeshTrace BETA

3 votes

Takes a Light source and a Ground object and casts meshed Shadows from any selected objects.

Quick Lighting

4 votes

Sets up easy lighting rigs quick and easy.

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