3ds Max | Scripts

Dimension maxscript

4 votes

I make a simple maxscript , it can show the dimension of a line , hope you like it
0.21 update :
offset and mirror function for text

Pro Transform

1 vote

A Script for applying interactive transform on selected object.


6 votes

Using single one hotkey of Chamfer, works with:
Используя единственную горячую кнопку для Chamfer, работает с:
Edit_Poly: [Vertices, Edges, Faces(inset)] 
Editable_poly: [Vertices, Edges, Faces(inset)] 
Edit_mesh: [Vertices, Edges] 
Editable_mesh: [Vertices, Edges] 
Edit_Spline: [knots (Fillet), 
Spline sub-obj (Outline)] 
SplineShape: [knots (Fillet), Spline sub-obj (Outline)] 
line: [knots (Fillet), 
Spline sub-obj (Outline)] 

3DS Max Plugin - Multiple Sections

1 vote

In this video, I will present you with a new plugin I created for 3DS Max that allows the user to create multiple 2D sections on the 3 axes. The script has many options to control this operation, like the number of sections, the spacing between sections, offsetting the start of the operation, flipping the axis so that, for example, if you choose the Z axis, flipping means the creation of the sections will begin from top to bottom, also you have the option to Weld the vertices.

Ani Baked

36 votes

Ani Baked (animation tool for creating keys on every-frame)

Similar to Cache Bar except this isn't using any cache files. This allows you to make key frames on your object at every frame. Great way to take procedural animation and make keys out of it. Works on your selection.

Automatically bake the animation to a point helper or to the Original Object. After baking down the animation you can clean up the keys.


21 votes

v3.07 Added fix for detached detach geometry if the source object had incorrect mesh issues.
Добавлено исправление отсоединённой detach-геометрии, если в исходном объекте были проблемы некорректной сетки.

Using single hotkey for Attach/Detach
Используя единственную горячую кнопку для Attach/Detach

Group to EditablePoly

0 votes

This script is intended to convert group into editable Poly.if you have multiple groups selected it will create multiple editable poly objects ( one editable Poly per group). It support nested groups (group within group).the script has no interface, it's just a button, here is the default icon , once installed you just need to have one or multiple groups selected and click the button and that's it, no fancy options.

Vertex Tangent

3 votes

3dsMax Script for Easy Controlling The Vertices Tangents of Shapes .

Loop Animation

0 votes

This Script is intended to loop keyframes, it locates the first and the last animation key of all selected objects, then all keys are copied and moved to the last key location, obviously your first key and last key needs to match for the animation to loop properly,
it works on position rotation and scaling.
the iteration parameter is the number of times you apply the script, it is an exponential factor, let say you have 50 keys, the first iteration would give you 100 frames, the second iteration 200 frames, the third 400 frames, etc...


13 votes

New option: Auto Dirt (Vray and Corona renderer)

The Tik3d Software is a free app developed to speed up 3D designers' work. This app can speed up your design work as much as 20 times in order for you to create more beautiful works at higher speeds and creativity.

 For VRAY and CORONA renderer

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