Timeline Addon

83 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Andreas Meißner

Timeline Addon 2.0.8-42

Adds more functionality to the 3ds Max timeline. You can:

  • adjust timeline start, end, slider and length
  • navigate through frames and keys
  • move, select, align, reverse keys
  • set timeline bookmarks
  • show info about ram and cpu usage
Additional Info: 
Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 9 SP2 or higher (I think there will be no Max 8 version, because there are not enough requests)
Video URL: 


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Latka X-treme's picture

Happy New Year

Happy New Year, real!

This reminds me, can you extend the timelimit? I can't use this script, and I really need it.

Just askin': Is there any specific reason to have these timelimits? Thus far I can't see the point for them.

real08121985's picture

Timelimit for this script has

Timelimit for this script has been extended until end of december/2011, sorry for any inconvenience

real08121985's picture

2.0.8-42 - Timelimit for this

2.0.8-42 - Timelimit for this script has been extended until june/2011, sorry for any inconvenience

real08121985's picture

There will be an update. What

There will be an update. What errors happen in 2011?

tronotrond's picture


I hope you have time to continue working on this script again soon! I used it before and really liked it!
Unfortunately the currect version says the beta has expired. It also gives som script errors in 2011 if I try to open the settings.

real08121985's picture

Currently the development for

Currently the development for this script is frozen, you can unfreeze it by rightclicking in your viewport and hit ... :) I'm busy with other things and my diploma for studies.

mad's picture

theres a BIG freez when i

theres a BIG freez when i wont jump to next key in object where are two or more slice modifiers ..i cant describe it better my english is so poor :(

edit: overall the script seems to me a little slow moving with multiple keys take more time than move them manualy :(

real08121985's picture

When it's done ;)

When it's done ;)

Ankebut's picture

where is v3 :) Hope you

where is v3 :)
Hope you release it soon.


real08121985's picture

I tried with Max 2010 32bit,

I tried with Max 2010 32bit, everything works. Maybe check your writing permissions. You can also just drag'n'drop the "Macros.mcr" into your 3ds Max viewport to install it. I also recognized a mistake in the error message path you've writen ("...C:\Prpgram Files\..." should be "...C:\Program Files\..." right?). By the way if you don't use the TLA macros you don't need to install this file. Hope this helps ;)

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