Timeline Addon
Date Updated:
02/12/2010 Timeline Addon 2.0.8-42
Adds more functionality to the 3ds Max timeline. You can:
- adjust timeline start, end, slider and length
- navigate through frames and keys
- move, select, align, reverse keys
- set timeline bookmarks
- show info about ram and cpu usage
Additional Info:
Demovideos on Vimeo:
Timeline Addon 1.0.0-22
Timeline Addon 2.0.0-37
Version Requirement:
3ds Max 9 SP2 or higher (I think there will be no Max 8 version, because there are not enough requests)
Happy New Year
Happy New Year, real!
This reminds me, can you extend the timelimit? I can't use this script, and I really need it.
Just askin': Is there any specific reason to have these timelimits? Thus far I can't see the point for them.
Timelimit for this script has
Timelimit for this script has been extended until end of december/2011, sorry for any inconvenience
2.0.8-42 - Timelimit for this
2.0.8-42 - Timelimit for this script has been extended until june/2011, sorry for any inconvenience
There will be an update. What
There will be an update. What errors happen in 2011?
I hope you have time to continue working on this script again soon! I used it before and really liked it!
Unfortunately the currect version says the beta has expired. It also gives som script errors in 2011 if I try to open the settings.
Currently the development for
Currently the development for this script is frozen, you can unfreeze it by rightclicking in your viewport and hit ... :) I'm busy with other things and my diploma for studies.
theres a BIG freez when i
theres a BIG freez when i wont jump to next key in object where are two or more slice modifiers ..i cant describe it better my english is so poor :(
edit: overall the script seems to me a little slow moving with multiple keys take more time than move them manualy :(
When it's done ;)
When it's done ;)
where is v3 :) Hope you
where is v3 :)
Hope you release it soon.
I tried with Max 2010 32bit,
I tried with Max 2010 32bit, everything works. Maybe check your writing permissions. You can also just drag'n'drop the "Macros.mcr" into your 3ds Max viewport to install it. I also recognized a mistake in the error message path you've writen ("...C:\Prpgram Files\..." should be "...C:\Program Files\..." right?). By the way if you don't use the TLA macros you don't need to install this file. Hope this helps ;)