3ds Max | Scripts

.Net main menu in one line

2 votes


.ply file importer

9 votes

Here is a maxscript that reads a .ply file and creates a mesh for it (note that for big meshes this is very. very slow).

.timo - Project Manager

0 votes

This time, i’m creating script for my final project in my university :D

Based on Asset manager created by Stephen Putra in my previous company during my internship, i tried to recreate it in 3dsmax since there we are using maya.

By using this tools i hope to achieve good, clean and effective project management for my final project.

Project Manager for 3DS Max

.timo - Renamer

1 vote

Renamer for 3dsMax

Renamer allow you to quick Rename one or multiple object using custom settings that is provided

How to use:

1. Select Object\s

2. Fill in requred text

3. Execute

Installation: Drop The file in max viewport and go to Customize ==> Customize User Interface ==> Category: .timo ==> .timo Renamer

Tested on 3ds Max 2015

.timo - Selection Tools

0 votes

Selection tools for 3dsMax
Selection tools allow you to quick Select one or multiple object using custom settings that is provided

How to use:

0-255 to % Converter

11 votes

Calculator for converting percentage values to 0-255 values and back. Includes a color swatch that updates with the grayscale value equivalent.

1 Click AO Render

3 votes


12 votes

This is a script that creates camera according to perspective lines on your image. It is sort of a beta version and has no error handling yet, so be warned:).

1 - get an image for which you want a camera being created.
2 - run the script (it is ordinary maxscript).
3 - press first button in UI and select the image
4 - an image plane and helper curve will be created
5 - modify helper curve (subcurves) so that they follow perspective lines, the vanishing points with three pairs of subcurves


0 votes

The script creates a plane for an image file specified and assigns a standard material to it, visible in viewport. Nitrous driver is pushed to 2048 texture size.


0 votes

yet another transform randomizer

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