Tagged 'Material'


4 votes

"A graphical interface to the Material Editor. It lets you visualize and edit maps/materials relationships and quickly navigate the Material Editor.
See Bobo's TMG page for complete list of features and limitations.


3 votes

Select a material (must be a StandartMaterial) in the MaterialEditor - then run the script.
It scans through all objects and their materials and replaces all materials that have the same name as the selected one with an instance of this selected material


8 votes

Allows up to 1024 samples in Material Editor. The additional samples can be scrolled up/down using a small floater. NOTE: Currently - only the displayed 24 samples can be saved with the MAX scene.


4 votes

"Clears slots in the materials editor with a default standard or raytraced material.
version 1.60 Cleaned some code."


4 votes

The same translucency script as the R3 version except it now is 2X faster. R3 Description: 'Maxscript hack for adding translucency information via vertex colors. Clumsy - slow - but can produce decent results. '


3 votes

Takes all selected objects and makes their wireframe color the same as the diffuse color of any materials the objects may have applied.

NRB Material ID Paint

2 votes

This script was made to turn the task of adding material ID to a mesh faster (and not so boring - I hope)

PSD to Material

3 votes

Converts a PSD file's layers into a material. This can either be done Manually - or Smartly. Manually gives you lists of the layers in the PSD file and allows you to choose which layer goes where. Smart does this for you by looking for keywords.


5 votes

If any object travels to another object on a spiral path it is very much annoying to manually create the blending animation of their material. Through this material you can calculate their distance and blending animation of their material. This is very much helpful for creating such scenes like character is going near to fire or touching something with magic wand.


4 votes

Coverts many different kinds of materials to other kinds of materials - including changing Raytraced to Standard and vice versa.

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