3ds Max | Scripts

Script Runner

2 votes

Script Runner

Simple tool for manage your own scripts.

V01.2.0 .mse .msr .mzp files can be list too by script now

Direct Farsi Type

4 votes

Type the farsi text directly in 3DsMax viewport.

Update V01.1.0

Ignore upper modifiers

Vertex Color Adjuster

9 votes

This utility script gives you HSB and RGB sliders to shift the vertex colors on selected objects.

Camera Manager

1 vote

There are quite a few fly-through camera management tools out there, but i needed something that could automatically change the time output range, sun, output file name, etc.

Also, very important, use Free Cameras only (not target). The script uses the position and rotation controllers of the camera to determine it’s range.

VRay CompTex Bump

2 votes

With this tool you can blend round corners and existing bump map of Vray material

Xmas Light Generator

0 votes

Made by Estefania Ramirez Flores
Email: [email protected]

Christmas lights generator is a plugin for 3ds Max. It creates a string of lights that go around a cylindrical object or a given spline. At this moment it only works for cylindrical Objects with the property "radius" and splines.

You have to download the types of bulbs and cables. Verify the route of your files.

1) Select a cylindrical object.
2) You can choose where it will start and end. By default covers 100% of the object.
3) Select the type of bulb you want.
4) Choose the number of bulbs.

Off road rigger

1 vote

The purpose of this script is to rigg a vehicle in an off road surface. It is still in process, but what are thoughts about it?

3D Procedural Texture Interpreter

1 vote

Well i made up with the help of my teacher, Enrique Rosales, a script to interpret 3d texture information, by now it only renders the display but i will continue working on this script so it can generate the texture in a .jpg file or something like that.
You would understand in the video what it does, unfortunately the script, for my standarts, its far from being finished, so i am not posting it for the moment, but i hope i could post some demo for the script in the future.


6 votes

Katana is a tool for destruction in 3d max

Preview Tools (With Mp4 Option)*

0 votes


      I need to create previews on a daily basis. I am tired of copying the preview file manually and rename it. So. I did a very simple Tool to Auto-Copy and AutoRename the Preview files to the same place where my scene is. This works for me, but maybe not for you. It´s very simple to edit the script for your needs. But i plan to add new features like Folder setup in the future...

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