3ds Max | Scripts

Viewport Bookmarks

3 votes


This is a tool for bookmarking viewport positions. It's especially useful in large scenes.

- Add and remove viewport position bookmarks, and name them.
- Switch between bookmarks by clicking on the bookmark name.
- The window is dockable
- Cameras can be created from the bookmark, based on the active renderer (Arnold, Vray, Corona, etc.)
- The data is stored persistent in a scene node, which can easily be transferred between scenes:


41 votes

PolyUnwrapper is a complete set of professional tools designed for the texture artists, especially for the architectural and game industries.

It contains plenty of features that will greatly help you improve your unwrapping workflow.



Main Features Features

Vray ToolBox

2 votes

It is a Vray version of my script "Corona Automator" It has a lot of features for materials, bitmaps ,cameras, lights and proxies.

Its main goal is to automate property tweaking, and save time on repetitive tasks.

for now the material part is focused on Vray Materials , it won't work on other kind of materials like fastSSS or other materials.

Corona Material Automator

2 votes


Group Manager

0 votes



This is a tool for listing and managing groups.


- Group in local space, and world space.

- Group by Point Helper, in local space, and world space.

- Toogle between regular groups and Point Helper Groups

- Toggle selected Group open/close

- Select the groups in the list

- Double click a group name to zoom to the extents of the group/helper

Webp to jpg

1 vote

This is not a 3dsmax script but a stand alone application.

Double click the file, browse to the desired folder (you won't see the files while browsing),press convert images.

All webp files in the folder will be converted to jpg

edit: It might be flaged as trojan by your anti virus,it is false positive. I'll try to find a solution to this annoying problem.

Group It

3 votes

This script makes a group from selected objects, it inherit orientation from first selected object.

There is a bug when objects are already part of a group, i'll try to fix it...

update 1.1: the bug with existing groups is solved, it doesn't crash anymore but it needs to explode existing groups before grouping, so it doesn't allow nested groups, i'll try to find a work around for next version.

update 1.2: the update 1.1 created some new bugs... version 1.2 should be ok

Quick UV Mapper - Interactive Unwrap

1 vote


Camera Array

0 votes


Quickly create an array of cameras from the vertex normals of a mesh or spline.


Mirza Link Manager

4 votes

Updated for 3dsMax 2025

Version 3 is out there!

Import once, update any time

The most popular linker between BIM and 3dsMax has been revamped and significantly improved.

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