3ds Max | Scripts


17 votes

TubeCap Screenshot TubeCap is a simple primitive (a flat donut) which can be used as a basis in polygonal modeling.



1 vote

This is a standalone script for computing a convex hull mesh from a scene element.

computeConvexHull UI

objLoader v1.4

15 votes

ObjLoader is used to load sequence obj files.

*Fixed some bugs of buffer and add rotation offset function.
*It can load sequence obj files.
*Support each obj file with different structure.
*Support uv map.
*Put the file in "Scripts\Startup" , then restart 3DS MAX
*It is in [Create>Geometry>Scripted Primitives].

RH Map Node Renamer

27 votes

It takes the material assigned to the selected object and assigns the name of the object to it. Then it checks if there is a bitmap texture assigned to "Diffuse", "Specular Level", "Opacity" and "Bump". If it finds a bitmap texture in the slot it renames the bitmap texture node to "Color", "Specular", "Opacity", "Normal". Then it also renames the textures asigned using the pattern "NameOfTheObject_NameOfSlot.*" ex. SmallBox_Color.bmp

File Organizer

0 votes


File Organizer leaves an object ready to save in the library. With this Script, the next time you merge some object to your scene it will be perfect.

Ghostly trail

9 votes

Ghostly trail is a tool for creating static copies of emerging from the animated objects in the scene

Multi-Assign Scripted Billboard Controller

10 votes

"Seeing as the Look-At controller can't be scripted. I whipped this little utility up to multi-assign hundreds items to look-at a target node. Useful for trees. crowds. you know the drill...
1.01 Update:

  • Improved effeciency of and debugged dependsOn in assigned scripts: rotation now updates correctly when script-assigned objects move.
  • Added tooltips.
  • "

    3DS max easy windows plug-in

    14 votes

    This is my first script in 3D Max. I wrote it for my own purpose to speed up modelling of the most boring things in architectural visualisations. Windows and doors. This script helps to make simple windows and doors with divisions of your own need. Just place a box as a symbol of a door or a window and imagine that the segments of this box are the divisions of your window or door.

    ProPal: Projection Tools Foliage and Tiling Textures

    4 votes

    ProPal is a scripted geometry plugin and special custom attributes to work with Projection modifiers and InodeBakeProjProperties and InodeBakeProperties to quickly convert geometry into tiling textures with various render elements. For any geometry that needs to be baked into a seamless U tile (or a seamless V tile) this tool helps you accomplish it very fast.

    TurboSmooth Optimizer

    0 votes

    This script is used to reduce the number of polygons in the scene by changing the TurboSmooth iterations for TurboSmooth render iterations

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