3ds Max | Scripts

Group to EditablePoly

2 votes

This script is intended to convert group into editable Poly.if you have multiple groups selected it will create multiple editable poly objects ( one editable Poly per group). It support nested groups (group within group).the script has no interface, it's just a button, here is the default icon , once installed you just need to have one or multiple groups selected and click the button and that's it, no fancy options.

V-RayMax Converter PRO

168 votes

V-RayMax Converter PRO is the best tool for convert 3d scene (materials, maps, lights, cameras, proxies, modifiers, helpers, render elements, etc.) from other render engines to V-Ray and from V-Ray to Corona Render, and also for converting V-Ray and Corona materials/maps to Standard materials/maps and to glTF Material.

Current version: 4.0045

Supported for conversion:

To V-Ray from:
  • Standard (Default Scanline)
  • Corona Render
  • FStorm Render
  • Octane Render
  • finalRender
  • Arnold
  • Brazil_Advanced (RS v 1.2) material
  • NVIDIA iray (unofficial) material.
From V-Ray to:
  • Standard (Default Scanline) materials/maps
  • Corona Render (v9-12)
  • glTF Material (3ds Max 2023 or later)
From Corona (materials/maps) to:
  • Standard (Default Scanline) material/maps
  • glTF Material (3ds Max 2023 or later)

See full list of supported conversions.

Main features:

  • Convert materials, maps, lights, cameras, modifiers, helpers and GI environment from other render engines to V-Ray and from V-Ray to Corona
  • Convert clouds from CoronaSky to VRaySun and vice versa.
  • Convert Render Elements to V-Ray (currently supported Scanline RE, Corona RE, FStorm RE, Octane RE) and from V-Ray to Corona
  • Convert V-Ray and Corona materials to Standard (Default Scanline) materials.
  • Convert V-Ray and Corona materials to glTF Material (which is necessary for exporting to the corresponding 3d software: Gestaltor, Babylon.JS etc).
  • Convert proxies (currently supported from Corona, FStorm, Octane) to V-Ray Proxy (static and animated)
  • Convert V-Ray Proxy to Corona Proxy (static and animated)
  • Convert standard Bitmaps to VRayBitmap (VRayHDRI) and vice versa
  • Convert 3ds Max Physical cameras to V-Ray Physical cameras and vice versa
  • Automatic configure ACEScg workflow in V-Ray
  • Batch processing for multiple 3dsMax Scene (*.max) or 3dsMax Material Library (*.mat) files
  • Programmatically interact with most converter functions using built-in maxscript methods (API), which allows you to use the converter without UI and in combination with other 3rd-party scripts.
  • ...and more additional tools for fixing and adjusting the scene.

Elevator Generator

0 votes

Elevator Generator is a script designed for efficiently creating 3D elevator models in 3dsMax. Offering six distinct styles, it provides flexibility for Archviz projects while significantly reducing the time spent by 3D artists.

.: Compatible with 3dsMax 2018 & higher

.: Compatible with V-Ray 6 / Corona Renderer 9 & higher

Remove Modifier for 3dsMax

0 votes

In group work or when receiving a 3D file from someone else, the first task is always to review, clean up, and optimize the elements in the scene.

Some objects are assigned modifiers like “Vray Displacement Mod” or “Corona Displacement Mod,” which consume significant memory during rendering and may lead to file crashes. These modifiers can be suitable for close-up views requiring high detail, but for larger scenes, it’s better to hide or delete them to optimize render time.


1 vote

1. Select the object
2. start the script by assigning the keyboard shortcut letter
3. You've got the zoomed selected object
in perspective view, with depth of field of 70 degrees.

However, you later change the depth of field, by your own

macroScript ZoomPerspArcRotate

Get In Line! (May 9,2011)

35 votes

This script evenly distributes the selected objects based on the start and end target objects.

Anyone is more than welcome to add to this.
Things you could potentially add are qsorting, transform, scale, and rotation sorting as well.

Right now it just does position.

3DS Max - Plugin - [UPDATE] - CopyPaste V1.5

1 vote

This is an update for the CopyPaste plugin. This plugin allows you to copy and paste geometry between opened 3DS Max files, of course, in the same file too. This version includes a few additional features. The most important one is the ability to copy and paste using a base point. Also, there is a button that allows you to clear the cache file to save space on the hard drive. And, lastly, a Status section that gives you feedback whenever you perform an action. Please check the demo video for an in-depth explanation.

ScreenLock Reference

2 votes

ScreenLock Reference 3ds Max Script


ScreenLock Reference 3ds Max script helps you simplify modeling and projection tasks by locking reference images directly to your camera view.

Project Manager

596 votes
3rd version of Project Manager gains a lot of new features to manage 3D Assets. 
What is most unique to the new features – is the ability to assign custom previews to materials, associate files with materials, and create a gallery of files associated with any type of assets including materials. 
You can also write a description for materials and, of course, assign categories to materials.

Key Highlights of this update:
USD Format Support
  • Added interactive rendering support for Universal Scene Description (USD) format, expanding compatibility with modern 3D production pipelines
Enhanced Team Collaboration
  • New shared color system for folder organization that can be synced across teams or kept local
  • Ability to import local color schemes into team database for better customization
Smarter Asset Management
  • Improved search directory filtering by filenames
  • New intelligent system for texture relinking that matches directory names with 3D model files
Improved Export Options
  • New options to save/export models with specific layers (default or required only)
Comment System Enhancement
  • New "Append" feature allows adding comments to multiple assets without overwriting existing ones
More about new features ->  Project Manager version 3.36.40

Update History for all versions.

Models 3D Models Browser
Materials Materials Browser
Textures Textures Browser
IES IES Photometric Browser
Asset Files Asset Tracking


44 votes

Scale tool coded as modifier plugin


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