3ds Max | Scripts


8 votes

PolySmoother is a professional tool to efficiently work with Smoothing Groups.

It allows you to visualize and manage the Smoothing Groups in a quick and easy way. You can set Hard and Soft edges, select edges by convexity, copy, paste, modify and optimize Smoothing Groups, as well as convert them from and to UV mapping, among many other features.


21 votes

v3.07 Added fix for detached detach geometry if the source object had incorrect mesh issues.
Добавлено исправление отсоединённой detach-геометрии, если в исходном объекте были проблемы некорректной сетки.

Using single hotkey for Attach/Detach
Используя единственную горячую кнопку для Attach/Detach

Advanced UV Normalizer

8 votes

Advanced UV Normalizer (AUVN) is a tool for normalizing the Texel Density across different objects.

It has a comprehensive set of features to calculate, get, set and modify the Texel Density of your models based on different parameters such as Geometry Area, Texture Area, UV Area as well as the Geometry/Pixels and Geometry/UVs Ratios.

The Texel Density can be set using a fixed texture size, or you can assign different AUVN textures and normalize them all at once using their texture size.

Tape Floater

3 votes

Tape Floater is a Free Script that creates a floater window for the 3ds Max Tape Measures Helper and displays the updated values while you drag either the tape object or the target.


12 votes

XFormer is a tool that will allow you recover the transformation of an object.

Some scenarios where you might want to restore an object transformation could be:

  • After a model transformation matrix was reset (Reset XForm)
  • If you have detached part of an object as another object
  • If you import a model and it is not aligned as you would expect

Project Manager

596 votes
3rd version of Project Manager gains a lot of new features to manage 3D Assets. 
What is most unique to the new features – is the ability to assign custom previews to materials, associate files with materials, and create a gallery of files associated with any type of assets including materials. 
You can also write a description for materials and, of course,  assign categories to materials.

Project Manager version 3.35.26


  • Adds support to 3Ds Max 2025
  • Adds support to search/relink/collect/archive the content of IFL files
  • Adds support to search/relink/collect/archive the content of Vrmat files
  • Adds support to archives larger than 4GB [Archive Asset Files]
  • Speed improvements for navigation


  • Enhanced File ReLocate Capability
  • Adds Ability to Sort Assets by Asset Type/Extension
  • Adds Ability to Include/Exclude Files from Collecting by Extension
  • Adds Ability to Include/Exclude Files from Renaming by Extension
  • Adds Ability to Include/Exclude Directories from Searching by mask
  • "Duplicate Asset Replacement" Dialog UI Improvements
  • Stores the sorting order for assets on the Explorer tab
  • Adds an ability to disable auto-relink missing assets on merging models and materials (by default auto-relink is disabled)
  • Fixes some bugs with renaming assets/directories on using in the TEAM-MODE
  • Fixes a bug when collecting maps for several materials libraries [Batch Render&Relink]


  • Adds an ability to set different width/height for rendering preview thumbnails for models and materials
  • Adds an ability to turn off/on lights from model scenes on rendering preview thumbnails
  • Drops support to rendering preview for IES files (interactive rendering already supports IES)
  • New option to render preview settings - Ignore Fit To Dummy: prioritize the pivot point of the model over its alignment within the Dummy boundary


  • "Duplicate Asset Replacement" Dialog for duplicated assets on storing models/materials to the library
  • Copy content of IFL files on storing models/materials to the library with assets
  • Adds an ability to use the Mass-Rename tool from the Manage Assets dialog for individual 3ds Max files and material libraries


  • Some Interface Improvements and Changes
  • Changes the behavior of Categories list on the status bar
  • Fixes an issue with sorting items by Size and Date in the Categories and Search results
  • Show more accurate information about missing files in the status bar
  • Introduces importing capability from the DesignConnected database [Preferences/Database/Import Database]


  • Fixes some minor issues with merging models
  • Fixes some issues with reusing merged proxy and models
  • Fixes an issue with creating PBR materials with Arnold renderer
  • Fixes an issue pausing Corona interactive render on merging models or materials
  • Fixes a bug with deleting assets
  • Fixes a bug with converting a scene to VRSCENE
  • Fixes an issue with converting 16-bit TIF to JPG
  • Fixes some minor issues with searching assets
  • Fixes a bug with deleting files
  • Fixes an issue with preview RPC, BVH, and BIP files
  • Fixes an issue with assigning a preview for materials using the Auto-Assign preview tool
  • Fixes some issues with the item's Gallery - add/remove/update preview
  • Fixes an issue with assigning preview for materials with some options using the Auto-Assign preview tool
  • Fixes some issues with working with the docked Slate Material Editor in 3ds Max 2024/2025
  • Fixes some minor issues with interactive rendering of some static and animated FBX files
  • Fixes a bug with copying databases from MySQL to SQLite and back
  • Fixes the issues with the tool "Convert Comments&Tags from 2nd version"


Update History for all versions.

Models 3D Models Browser
Materials Materials Browser
Textures Textures Browser
IES IES Photometric Browser
Asset Files Asset Tracking

Quad Chamfer Modifier

31 votes

The Quad Chamfer modifier produces all quad chamfers, unlike the normal 3ds Max chamfer which produces a lot of triangles and ngons. Get it from https://mariussilaghi.com/products/quad-chamfer-modifier



miauu's Materials Reducer

2 votes


1 vote


4 votes

P_SkinWeightTool enhances the functionality of the 'WeightTool' in the Skin modifier.


- Bone Select + (Parent, Child, Mirror)
- Weight Draw Gradient (Line, Circle), Hammer, Avarage
- Copy Weights form closest
- vertex selection save / load
- Next Ring select
- Display support options / Script for bone management
- etc...
(Be sure to read the readMe.txt file before use.)

--DEMO Version is free and includes all features.

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