3ds Max | Scripts

Shower Cord Creator

4 votes

This is an script that creates a shower cord over a line. It is a very useful tool for any architectural visualizer.


3 votes

Hi there!

I've put together another small script, this time to quickly add HDR environments to your scenes. It's got a simple and intuitive interface, but I'll quickly go over some of the functionality. (There's also a video if you prefer, see below.)

Select HDR Map:
Here you can specify which map to load in to your scene's environment.

Show/Hide Object

0 votes

This is a fairly simple script to show or hide an object. It has more options, such as selecting the object if it is frozen, or opening its object properties window to set the visibility percentage. It also has the handy option of letting you select the previously selected object if you opened the object properties window for the stored object.


Edit User Properties

1 vote

A utility to edit User Properties on multiple objects, with filters on property name.
Very useful with VRay and Phoenix like when using VRayUserColor or VRayUserScalar.

An interesting exercise on parsing informations from and back to a string...

You can read the code, I am happy to share my progress with Scripting. It is so frustrating to bumped into protected scripts when trying to learn...

Rename PF

1 vote

Script to rename multiple operators Pflow at once.

- Put the name of the FX in the "prefix", select the operators to be renamed and click "Rename"
The script renames operators this way: prefix + operator name + number

- Function "Clear name":
If no text is present in the "Prefix" button clear name removes the entire name of the operator.
If a text is present in the "Prefix" button clear name removes the prefix if it is present in the name of the operator.


"Prefix" FX_dust
Operator name: FX_dust_rotation_02
Operator name after clear name: rotation_02


4 votes

It's a useful script for quitting Max.
I recommend to put it instead of File -> Quit and assign the keyboardshortcuts "Alt" + "F4"



2 votes

Hi, hope you like my SkinHelper.

I tried to add a bunch of selection helping tools to the skinning process, so I replaced the hole UI of the 'Weight Tool' copied the default functions and added some more functionalities like, ...

Select by Weight; Save & Load Selection; Mirror Selection; Shrink, Grow, Loop, Ring addition; Set Weight Slider

I would like to read your feature ideas for this kind of tool.

Developed in 3dsMax2013.

3D UI Vertex Align Tool

23 votes

This script was created from Trent Fealy - www.studiosyntax.net

In this thread @airbrush asked someone to modify the script.

What i added to original script:

In version with UI - spinner to change the lenght of displayed lines and colorpicker to change the color of lines. The value of the spinner and the color will be saved in INI file every time when the rollout closes.

Tyre Tire

13 votes

NOTE: Requires VRay (Uses VRay Displacement modifier).

This is intended as a 'head start' when creating Tyres (Tires), for vehicle wheels.
Still experimental and very much open to suggestions.


0 votes

slow..., could someone help me to improve the performance pls.
this tool ia trying to do something similar to "vrayPattern" plugin does, but the script is too slow, please help me.
it works for meshes only , don't try high poly count...

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