3ds Max | Scripts

FilePathFinder Pro & Light versions

410 votes

Using the FilePathFinder you can be sure that you have complete control over external links into your scenes.

Asset tracking features include support for XREF files and easy linking with external files.

Using the FilePathFinder (and Batch Render&Relink), you can search for missing assets and relink external files.

In addition, files that are linked to selected objects are displayed in Interactive Mode, and bitmap textures can be toggled and placed within the Material Editor.

Also with this tool, you can easily make an archive a 3ds Max scene.

Note that FilePathFinder supports the highest number of asset types of any plug-in.


The Batch Render&Relink tool helps manage your asset files into the 3D model and material libraries in Batch Mode.

BR&R is capable of rendering thumbnails for 3D models, materials, and IES photometric files.

Batch Mode makes for an easy way to gather and compile many assets at once.

The new version of FilePathFinder is released with support to 3ds Max 2025

and many new features that improve managing scene assets

FilePathFinder Pro version 4.15.06

  • Adds support to 3Ds Max 2025


  • Adds support to search/relink/collect/archive the content of IFL files.
  • Adds support to search/relink/collect/archive the content of Vrmat files
  • Adds support to archives larger than 4GB [Archive Asset Files]
  • Enhanced File Relocate Capability
  • Adds Ability to Sort Assets by Asset Type/Extension
  • Adds Ability to Include/Exclude Files from Renaming by Extension
  • Adds Ability to Include/Exclude Files from Collecting by Extension
  • "Duplicate Asset Replacement" Dialog UI Improvements
  • Adds Ability to Include/Exclude Directories from Searching by mask


  • Fixes an issue with converting some images to greyscale
  • Fixes an issue with converting some images to other formats
  • Fixes an issue with converting some images to greyscale
  • Fixes an issue with converting some images to other formats


  • Adds an ability to set different width/height for rendering preview thumbnails for models and materials
  • Adds an ability to turn off/on lights from model scenes on rendering preview thumbnails
  • Fixes some minor issues with relink material libraries
  • Fixes a bug when collecting maps for several materials libraries
  • Fixes an issue with rendering preview for scenes, that contain hidden layers
  • Fixes an issue with rendering preview for some models without studio scene


  • Fixes some minor issues with renaming multiple and single assets
  • Fixes an issue with storing some settings on relinking
  • Fixes an issue with rendering preview for files with missing assets using VRay with some specific settings
  • Fixes some issues with HiDPI screens
  • Fixes an issue with resizing images using a percentage value


374 votes

Render different types of masks (Luminance, RGB, Reflection, Lights/Shadows, ObjectsID, SSS, Texture, AO, ZDepth, Specular, Refraction). The script don't affect the scene materials, lights and render settings.
(this version support only V-Ray render engine)

V-Ray Material Presets Pro

357 votes

V-Ray Material Presets Pro is a powerful material collection for 3ds Max and V-Ray. It will includes shaders like: Metal, Glass, Leather, Liquid, Ceramics, etc.
SIGERSHADERS V-Ray Material Presets Pro version 4.1.5

Auto Render Element "VRayLightSelect"

340 votes

Create Render Elements "VRayLightSelect" for lights.


Give me back my dialogs!

320 votes

Window box is a script (and tutorial) to show you how you can use Dotnet and Win32 methods to get back dialogs you have lost from using multiple monitors.

UPDATE 2.4.2

Fixed an issue with monitor data, it now centers correctly on all screens. Sorry for the delay in finding that one. 

Merge By Layer

301 votes

Merge By Layer 0.4

A self explained script, I think. Enjoy

Fracture Voronoi

292 votes

This script breaks any mesh while preserving its volume.


288 votes

MultyConvertor - allow to convert any materials, lights (objects) of any renders to any materials, lights (objects) and renders!!! It is all in one.

You can simple create *.mct (edit text file in any text editors and change extension) file for new render and facilities that support this type of rendering. See any *.mct in archive

Now you start the script and setup link properties from one render type to other. You can also use expression for translate value to other value or execute any max script expression.

Superflow Original

283 votes


V-MOTION - Superflow Original

Developed by Ian Clemmer http://www.ianclemmer.com

Programmed by Panayot Karabakalov a.k.a. Anubis http://www.scriptspot.com/users/anubis

Modifier Modifier Zorb

283 votes

v 2.9.03, Added property dialog filters. Save Property window position and size, Changed "coorinates" prop to "coords" to fixes Vray HDRI map

v 2.9.02: Added Octane and extra Final Render Lights to On/Off and Multiply Right click Menu

v 2.9.01: Added Multiply option to ALL modify properties window. Can now multiply existing values by a chosen value

v 2.8.03 Fixed Save preset bug (for plugins like ky_trails)

v 2.8.02 Fixed ini file bug stopping wondow for opening a 2nd time

v 2.8.00 Added Exclude text field for filtering by name. Editing Refrence targets Tab now working!!! This means you can mass edit FumeFX object settings such as speed multipliers and other FumeFX and TP properties that were previously impossible to edit!

Edit ALL modifiers, ALL objects, ALL Materials, All Controllers, ALL Shadow types and ALL atmospherics/Render Effects. Work in max from a "Class-centric" way rather than a per object way. Edit thousands of object's parameters, randomize thousands of seeds, enable thousands of modifiers and more with a few clicks!

General Features (applies to all modifiers, controllers, materails, shadows, atmos and render effects):

MASS EDIT: Mass edit one property on all nodes at once, You can specify an absolute value, a relative value, apply an absolute value to modify, or multiply a value

MASS RANDOMIZE: Randomize one property on all nodes at once

SELECT/DELETE BY CLASS: Select all objects with a meshsmooth, or all spheres or all objects with a path constraint etc

FULL INSTANCE/REFRENCE TOOLS: Make all objects/modifiers of a class or selection instances. Make Base object refrences. replace base objects with another obj (eg make all selected boxes an instance of a vrax proxie.) Available for Modifiers and Base objects only ATM.

LOAD/SAVE PRESETS: Load and save presets in xml format for modifiers, objects, etc.

Specific Features (Can be done to All or selected):

Modifiers: Enable, Disable, Enable in viewport, Disable in viewport.

PointCache Modifiers: Set ranges, Set path, Flush path, Reload, Record.

FumeFX: Simulate, Load settings

Lights: Turn all, selected, selected classes on or off. Multiply all light vlaues.

Xref Object: Merge object

Materials: Show/Hide In Viewport:  Shows the material in the viewport. Doesnt work with texture maps yet.

Bitmap Gamma: Mass edit the bitmap load gamma settings. Choose auto or an overide value. Max 2014+

Spring Controller: Modifyspring controller settings (Needs its own section as springs are controlled differently with maxscript).

Merge Xref Controller:  Merges All/Selected controllers

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