Tagged 'exporter'

Batch Exporter

9 votes

Layer Manager to files Exporter

6 votes

A simple tool designed for 3d modelers to save time on exporting multiple objects and to allow them the freedom to continue working in one max file. Script allows exporting to the following formats using the layer manager: FBX,OBJ,3DS,ASE, and separate max files.

3ds MAX to UE4 FBX Scene Export

6 votes

Here's a script that I've had tucked away for a looong while now.

AfterFX Data Exporter

3 votes

3dsMax to After Exporter.

Generates a .jsx that must be run from AfterFX>File>Run script. Creates appropriately sized comp and layers.
Exports: Cameras, lights, and planes as AfterFX objects. All others as nulls.
Export size based on smallest HD screen/projector. Optional manual scaling.

Update 3.0.0: added support for Physical Cameras, Arnold Lights, 2k and 4k projectors.

Max to Fusion

4 votes

Bake selected scene objects and export an FBX file which can be loaded into Eyeon Fusion to assist with compositing. Offers greater control and flexibility than the standard FBX exporter.




New Features suggested by Colin James at Blur Studios

After Effects transforms exporter

7 votes

Here is a free tool for copying animation from 3ds Max into After Effects via the clipboard, and the native AE clipboard data. You will be able to copy and paste keyframe data for position, rotation and scale from 3ds Max onto objects in AE.


5 votes

Detailer Plugin

Detailer is a commercial scripted plugin for 3ds Max to generate billboards. Its main focus is creating billboards that can be exported into the Source Game Engine.

This plugin will add a new category in your create tab called Wall Worm and add three geometry objects that you can create:

Detail Type
Detail Group
Detail Prop


3 votes

An open-source cross-platform file format for games

Export entire scenes to Web with just one click

Sketchfab Publisher

2 votes

The sketchfab publisher exports your model to sketchfab, an online platform to display 3d-models in a webgl environment.

Models are exported as an obj-file and sent over http to sketchfab. This all happens multithreaded, so you can keep working while your models upload. You first need to make an account on sketchfab and get the api-token to be able to upload. The token comes standard with any account.


0 votes

This is a custom obj exporter I wrote a while ago for exporting models that is compatible with some game engines, it was written specifically for the game lineage II..but it suppose to work with most Unreal engine based games.

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