Tagged 'Material'

WorldViz R4 Lightmap to R5

1 vote

This script is for users of WorldViz software to aid in the conversion of scenes using R4 materials to R5 materials. Specifically, this swaps baked maps from their old slot in Standard materials (self-illumination) to their new slot (ambient).

ShellBake: Set Up Shells for Baking VRay Lightmaps

2 votes

To transfer maps from one type of material to another after a bake for game exporters that primarily look for Standard materials.

This is currently limited to just the diffuse map.

To use: Run the Macroscript and add ShellBake to a toolbar from the category: #_SP_BakeScripts


10 votes

Script transports the material from one object to another without materialeditor. Скрипт передаёт материал от одного объекта другому без материалэдитора.



288 votes

MultyConvertor - allow to convert any materials, lights (objects) of any renders to any materials, lights (objects) and renders!!! It is all in one.

You can simple create *.mct (edit text file in any text editors and change extension) file for new render and facilities that support this type of rendering. See any *.mct in archive

Now you start the script and setup link properties from one render type to other. You can also use expression for translate value to other value or execute any max script expression.


5 votes

Script for placing random MatID (min max) on poly editable objects.

MatiD assignment by polygon, smoothing group, object or element and adding MultiMaterial.

Edit - Version 2

Bug fixes / Possibility to keep intact some IDs

RayFire Asperity Material

3 votes

This scripted plugin is intended for inner RayFire faces of debris fragments.
While the wellknown Asperity Modifier adds detalization by adding geometry modifying the existing topology, this parametric material works in a different way, as a procedural texture adding strong details with a variety of basic materials, including wood splinters, without adding any extra polygon to the scene.
In many cases, the Asperity modifier causes the system to crash specially when using a huge amount of debris objects in the scene.

Vray Mat Lister

4 votes

Hi everyone,

I'd like to share a script I have made.
It's for Vray and it makes a list of all your VrayMtl (and of the main parameters) you have in your scene.

UPDATE Version 0.5 for vray 3.xx

This tool allow you to modify all your vray materials parameters quickly. Globally it works like the Vray Lightlister


1 vote

This script will allow you to replace the materials in your scene with materials from a library or max file in mass. Use the match name button if the names of your materials are similar.

HDRI Material Override Toolbar

6 votes

Simple floating 'toolbar' example where you can quickly toggle reflection override for the current viewport (any custom picked hdri map will work) and set its rotation. Since it's just a viewport override, all the materials applied to the objects will be left untouched. Comes in handy for example when checking for shading errors.


31 votes

Quick copy-paste object material to another object.

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