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2-Tangents circle

2 votes

This script allows to create a circle relative to two tangent segments selected in a spline shape. 

New : Another version of the script that allows to create a 3-tangents circle has been added.


2 votes

Save performance in viewport while modeling and make layer only visible on rendertime by adding the word "renderlayer" behind the layername. You can turn renderlayers on and off with the button. Script supports local rendering and network jobs.

waRp removeTurbo

2 votes

A simple script that removes the turbosmooth modifier (if present in the modifier stack) from all selected objects.

MCG Clone On Verts

2 votes

This MCG will clone on vertices of your emitter object. It will work with/without vert subobject selection and/or soft selection. With soft selection, it will auto scale the clone based on the feathering.

Yes I know it's ANOTHER cloner..but since I've been doing some exercises on MCG vertex stuff, seems a bit of a waste if I don't make something of it...

Ver 1.00.01: added Clone Step

Ver 1.01.00:

- fixed 1 unit offset off the surface


2 votes

Displays your geo's vertID.

MCG Edge Length Display

2 votes

This MCG displays edge length of visible edges in your mesh. Will also work for spline, as in straight segments, ie. not the curve of a circle

ver 1.01: added unit display...with chicken foot symbol for feet...well it's my MCG and I can do whatever I want..

ver 1.02: added miles and kms

Batch Man: Your friendly neighbourhood batch exporter

2 votes

Batch Man is an easy to use batch export tool. Batch Man stores your selected export location on the objects in question stopping the need for redefining export locations multiple times!

Core functionality:

- Enables user to exporter masses of objects
- Enables user to export objects to different locations simultaneously
- Stores the export location on the object eliminating the need for constant re-definition of export location
- Very easy to use
- Includes documentation

MCG Zoolinderrr

2 votes

Annoyed that the default Cylinder doesn't allow more than 200 in Height/Sides/Caps seg count ? Stooooooopid, Zoolinderrr is waaaay betterrrrrerrrr... (ok, there is a limit of 9999 but who's counting ? Especially male supermodels)

Use in cases where you need to stretch your longfellow along a really really long path and you need lots and lots of segs...

(The Weld in MCG is crap so use a Welderrr instead)

No there's no video !!! Just print out this picture and slap it on your bedroom wall....Zooweet dreams...

Region between two points

2 votes

Note: .Drawing Render Region between two points in Viewport.
If you press the Ctrl key, So you can move the whole selection in active viewport

Region between two points

MCG Renderable Points

2 votes

No the question isn't WHY...but rather WHY NOT all these years. Since there's RenderableSpline, why not Points ?

Installation: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/3ds-max/learn-explore/caas/CloudH...

Then can be found in Modifier dropdown list. It will work on Mesh/Splines, even if your mesh consists of all isolated verts...there's no requirements for proper 'polys'.

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