3ds Max | Scripts

Remove Zero Weights

0 votes

* Title: Remove Zero Weights

* Description:
-- Works on multiple skinned models
-- Default values are from range 0.000 to 0.050

* How to use this script:
-- Select Skinned models
-- Run the script
-- Enter Minimum and Maximum values. Note: Minimum value should be less than Maximum value
-- Press "Remove" button
-- This will remove the zero weights from a given selected range from the Skin Modifier of selected objects

Here's the screenshot of the script -

Collapse Geometry

19 votes

I wrote this tool as I was sick of the default collapse tool crapping out when trying to collapse large amounts of objects. So far this has tool has been pretty rock solid. I mainly use it when I need to work with CAD files that I have imported. It is pretty self explanatory.


4 votes

Hello, it's a simple script which make life easier for game-dev 3d artists.

Channel Cleaner 1.2

Channel Cleaner:

-Clean selected UV channel

-Clean several UV  channels "From: N-channel To: N-channel"

-Clean Vertex Color/Illumination/Alpha channels

-Works with editable poly and mesh

-Works with one and multiple objects

Thats all.

UPDATED to version 1.2:

Reset 3DS Max Windows

250 votes

A tiny little script to reset 3DS Max “floating” Windows to position 0,0 in upper left when they are gone or out of range.
Just give me a note or comment to add more floaters since i guess i have missed some of them, or just add the line(s)yourself to the script and upload the file again ;o)


5 votes



Plasma Studio

14 votes

Download & Official Page : http://cafe.naver.com/pinksox/6285


Modifier Instancer

28 votes

This simple scripts allows you to instance some or all modifiers of an object into large number of objects.

- just pick the source object

- select the modifiers that are going to be instanced. Press CTRL for multiple selection.

- select target objects


version history:

version 0.5

-Selected objects automatically will be added to the target list.

3ds Max - Gmax Bridge

0 votes

Facilitates exchange of geometry and associated key-frame animation between 3ds-max and gmax.

The intended use of this utility is to exchange mesh-geometry between 3ds-max and gmax and acts as a replacement to the 3ds or obj data transfer workflow.
This utility supports only mesh-geometry and the corresponding keyframe-animations for exchange between 3ds-max and gmax. Objects other than mesh geometry will be exported as dummys but would retain the animation.

Mass Modifier Enable/Disable

13 votes

This Script easily enables and disables modifiers from mass number of objects.

 supported modifiers: Turbosmooth, Meshsmooth, Flex, Tessellate, Subdivide


Animation Ranger

9 votes

Animation Ranger

This script intended to simplify changing time range values inside max.

I tried to make it similar to Mayas timeslider.

There are four spinners and two sliders.

At the far right and far left spinners are maximum and minimum values of range.

Other two spinners and two sliders are for zooming in and out to the timeslider.

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