3ds Max | Scripts

Adv. Path Manager

2 votes

Listview for managing External files User Paths. It has several advantages over the the default Max´s dialog, some are: More useful UI with colors and font effects to indicate directories status, display only invalid paths, remove empty folders paths and more...


Advanced Align

8 votes

Quickly aligns the local position and rotation of the selected object to the next object the user picks.

Advanced Bend Modifier

6 votes

A maxscript that gives the user more control over the bend modifier
It lets the user input a width and the script will move the center to get the correct width


- uses smart snap to snap to a custom grid
- easily choose angle and direction
- apply new bend modifier with correct offset
- auto update current bendmodifier with selected settings
- realtime update of all settings!
- support for all 4 directions and 4 angles (90 180 270 360)
- choose your final width
- modify multiple selections at same time
- snap position to grid

Advanced Fragmenter

20 votes

Script for artistic fragmenting and flexible control of cutter object.

Advanced Object Renamer

1 vote

Hi All,

This is a my first ever script. I made it to make my work easier.

INSTALLATION :- Just run the Script using the "Run Script" command in your 3Ds max.

Then go to Customize -> Customize User Interface -> Main UI -> nthScript [Category] -> Advanced Renamer

Set your shortcut for the script and RUN...

NOTE:- Keep the Script file and the TempMatLib.mat in the same directory.

Advanced Painter

258 votes

Advanced Painter is a modular brush-based distribution tool derrived from the Nature Painter script. This tool comes with 7 inks:

  • Grass: to create grasses; Grass: to create simple grasses
  • Hair [new]: used to create simple hair/fur (or as guide hair for Shag:Hair
  • Randomizer [new]: a variation of Scatterer used to randomly distribute a selection of objects.
  • Stone: to create simple stones and peebles.
  • Spaghetti: spaghetties, noodles, wires and other long things maker.

Advanced Sweep

13 votes

A curve-controlled scripted sweep modifier. As of now, both the Interpolation and Profile animation rollout UI items are just placeholders for non-implemented stuff. Using curve controls this way is pretty much experimental and as such, I wouldn't advise using this in production - better collapse it or make a pointcache and use that instead.

Advanced UV Normalizer

8 votes

Advanced UV Normalizer (AUVN) is a tool for normalizing the Texel Density across different objects.

It has a comprehensive set of features to calculate, get, set and modify the Texel Density of your models based on different parameters such as Geometry Area, Texture Area, UV Area as well as the Geometry/Pixels and Geometry/UVs Ratios.

The Texel Density can be set using a fixed texture size, or you can assign different AUVN textures and normalize them all at once using their texture size.

AdvArray Presets

2 votes

This is a helper script for my AdvArray modifier for 3ds max to give users some preset setups for common array patterns.

This is just the preliminary release, i'll be adding more and updating the script as time goes on. please let me know if you have any suggestions for presets that make sense.

if you don't have the AdvArray modifier, please check it out here: https://apps.autodesk.com/3DSMAX/en/Detail/Index?id=7221085778557027350&...

AE Transfer

8 votes

AE Transfer is a set of two scripts, for Autodesk 3ds Max and Adobe After Effects, that allows these two apps to exchange parameters of 3D objects and 3D layers with each other.

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