Tagged 'modifier'


42 votes

gizmoControl UI screenshot This macroscript (to be found in the "MB Tools" category after executing the .mcr) will allow you to link the transformation of a modifier gizmo to some other scene object. Afterwards, the gizmo will always be fully aligned to that other scene object, which can be freely animated by any kind of controller and linked to any other scene node. In some way this is very similar to World Space Modifiers but it works for any kind of modifier gizmo.

This tool can be very useful for creating complex modifier animations, for example animating a Slice modifier's plane along a path, attaching a UVW Map modfier to some animated helper object, transforming a Displace modifier with some other object, or having an extra node control the- symmety plane of a Symmetry modifier.

rBSymPick – symmetry modifier

1 vote



Simple script for add symmetry modifier by clicking point(s). By default when adding symmetry, the mirror position is created at object’s pivot. This script helps to define mirror position automatically by picking point(s).

3 methods:

PolyDamage for 3dsMax

8 votes

PolyDamage plugin is a tool to quickly add damage and imperfections to models. Nothing is perfect in real life, so adding damage to your models make them look more realistic. PolyDamage is a quick alternative to manually sculpting damage with other software packages. PolyDamage adds an extra realism to concrete walls, grounds, stones, columns. PolyDamage quickly adds damage to corners and edges.

Uv By Element Modifier

9 votes

UV by element is a scripted modifier plugin. It will offset, rotate, and/or scale the UV coordinates of each element by a pseudo-random amount.


35 votes

RappaTools3 is an advanced toolbox that comes with a great variety of tools for the artist working in 3ds Max. The main focus is to speed up the workflow and to reduce the click count. It offers a wide variety of tools, everything from selection tools to rendering tools. It can help you through the entire process of creating a 3D art piece.
rappatools3 bridge

Extrude/Inset/Outline Faces Modifiers

23 votes

Set of simple modifiers that use the Edit Poly methods behind the scenes. Since the extrude modifier uses the poly extrude options and capabilities, it doesn't break on simple geometry like the FaceExtrude one does.

Extrude Faces Modifier

Compare with FaceExtrude:




-5 votes

Curly is a scripted modifier plugin for 3ds Max which allows users to create rolling and unrolling animations. This modifier makes it very simple to demonstrate a blanket unrolling, or a flag unraveling from it’s supports. Check out the videos for Curly, to see it in action.

MCloth Animator [MassFX]

0 votes

MCloth Animator

MCloth Animator allows you to simulate mCloth on any animated mesh directly, including the 'Skin' modifier of your character! Your mesh will stay original and not being simplified (as 'convex'). No more headache with proxy objects or exporting to other software. MCloth Animator will simulate selected objects automatically with only 1 button! Don't waste your time for routine.
Third party plugins are natively supported.

Connect Edges

1 vote

Just a simple modifier to connect edges selected with the previous "edit poly" "editable poly" or "poly select" modifier. Currently I tested my script on 3dsmax 2020, I will try to test it on older version of 3ds max and update this page if I can. If you have any question or any requirement, don't hesitate to ask me or to contact me. I will be happy to answer you.

Advanced Sweep

13 votes

A curve-controlled scripted sweep modifier. As of now, both the Interpolation and Profile animation rollout UI items are just placeholders for non-implemented stuff. Using curve controls this way is pretty much experimental and as such, I wouldn't advise using this in production - better collapse it or make a pointcache and use that instead.

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