3ds Max | Scripts


0 votes

A simple utility to convert the buffered code in the clipboard to a string that you can paste and execute in your scripts.

Useful for generating rollouts and custom attributes.


4 votes

 Attach a Point Helper to Surface
of an Editable Mesh


LED Display

2 votes

LED Display for Autodesk 3ds Max is a free MaxScript for creating seven segment LED display model. The numbers can be animated.

The script is a freeware and can be used for any commercial or non-commercial purposes. It is provided unencrypted for further mods or improvements.


1 vote



1. It used to find  bitmap, vary proxy, hdri, Photometric Web path.

2. I use less texture modification, please test yourself.

Texture Lister

0 votes


Texture Lister Help

 This script is inspired and use Collect asset by antomor as references.

miauu's Texture Dropper Pro

4 votes

.timo - Selection Tools

0 votes

Selection tools for 3dsMax
Selection tools allow you to quick Select one or multiple object using custom settings that is provided

How to use:


11 votes

This is a scripted modifier. Place this script in your scripts/startup directory and restart Max. This modifier can be added to any object and is designed to hold Custom Attributes. There are added tools for keying and reseting all the CA's as well as saving presets and copy/paste functions. You can also save the presets out to a text file to be loaded on other objects in the scene.


11 votes

morphMap is a tool to map low-res objects (as those used in video games). Works on meshes and polys. Now It's a multi-select tool: you can select several objects at the same time or you can select severals groups of faces of the same object.
The interface is left/right dockable.

There are 3 main modules :
+ the function 'morphMap' : the picture follows the mapped surface in one click. (The uvs will be like a square)
+ the function 'Face Map' : an advanced face mapping. The number of points in the face have no importance: that does work with all faces.

Fast color channels

2 votes

Fast color channels


1.Left,Color channel alone

2.Right,Render sub-materials

3. "Proxy Objects":The scene had vray proxy when using

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