3ds Max | Scripts

Collect Asset

42 votes

This script collects textures and other files used in the scene in one folder. Check for the same file names.
It is free script.

Overnight Batch Render

3 votes

SubSpline 3dsmax script - banner

Full rendering job while you sleep!



Overnight Batch Render is a simple yet powerful batch rendering tool for 3dsMax, capable to process multiple scene files sequentially on a single computer.

V-RayMax Converter PRO

168 votes

V-RayMax Converter PRO is the best tool for convert 3d scene (materials, maps, lights, cameras, proxies, modifiers, helpers, render elements, etc.) from other render engines to V-Ray and from V-Ray to Corona Render, and also for converting V-Ray and Corona materials/maps to Standard materials/maps and to glTF Material.

Current version: 4.0050

Supported for conversion:

To V-Ray from:
  • Standard (Default Scanline)
  • Corona Render
  • FStorm Render
  • Octane Render
  • finalRender
  • Arnold
  • Brazil_Advanced (RS v 1.2) material
  • NVIDIA iray (unofficial) material.
From V-Ray to:
  • Standard (or to Autodesk Physical Material or to PBR Material) materials/maps
  • Corona Render (v9-12)
  • glTF Material (3ds Max 2023 or later)
From Corona (materials/maps) to:
  • Standard (or to Autodesk Physical Material or to PBR Material) material/maps
  • glTF Material (3ds Max 2023 or later)

See full list of supported conversions.

Main features:

  • Convert materials, maps, lights, cameras, modifiers, helpers and GI environment from other render engines to V-Ray and from V-Ray to Corona
  • Convert clouds from CoronaSky to VRaySun and vice versa.
  • Convert Render Elements to V-Ray (currently supported Scanline RE, Corona RE, FStorm RE, Octane RE) and from V-Ray to Corona
  • Convert V-Ray and Corona materials to Standard (Default Scanline) materials (include Autodesk Physical Material and PBR Material).
  • Convert V-Ray and Corona materials to glTF Material (which is necessary for exporting to the corresponding 3d software: Gestaltor, Babylon.JS etc).
  • Convert proxies (currently supported from Corona, FStorm, Octane) to V-Ray Proxy (static and animated)
  • Convert V-Ray Proxy to Corona Proxy (static and animated)
  • Convert standard Bitmaps to VRayBitmap and vice versa
  • Convert standard Bitmaps to CoronaBitmap and vice versa
  • Convert 3ds Max Physical cameras to V-Ray Physical cameras and vice versa
  • Automatic configure ACEScg workflow in V-Ray
  • Batch processing for multiple 3dsMax Scene (*.max) or 3dsMax Material Library (*.mat) files
  • Programmatically interact with most converter functions using built-in maxscript methods (API), which allows you to use the converter without UI and in combination with other 3rd-party scripts.
  • ...and more additional tools for fixing and adjusting the scene.

Project Manager

596 votes
3rd version of Project Manager gains a lot of new features to manage 3D Assets. 
What is most unique to the new features – is the ability to assign custom previews to materials, associate files with materials, and create a gallery of files associated with any type of assets including materials. 
You can also write a description for materials and, of course, assign categories to materials.

Key Highlights of this update:
Custom Icons for Directories:
  • Easily organize your library by assigning built-in or custom icons.
Recent Assets:
  • Quick access to the last 25 used assets streamlines your workflow.
Improved Search Performance:
  • The "Everywhere" option enables near-instant asset retrieval.
"Include to Catalog" Feature:
  • Simplifies directory organization directly from the context menu.
More about new features ->  Project Manager version 3.37.41

Update History for all versions.

Models 3D Models Browser
Materials Materials Browser
Textures Textures Browser
IES IES Photometric Browser
Asset Files Asset Tracking

miauu's Tab Panel

1 vote


miauu's Tab Panel allows you to organize all of your toolbars into tabs.

What you can do:

IFL Playback Manager

1 vote


IFL Playback Manager is a really handy script for 3ds Max that helps you manage and control the timing of animated textures in your scene. It automatically lists all textures with assigned .ifl (Image File List) files and allows you to adjust their playback parameters directly.

3DS Max - Plugin - ZoomExtSelFix

1 vote

In this update, the script will work on sub-object selections. Also, a bug in the first version is fixed, when you switch to another mode other than the Modify Panel, the first version gives an error, this is fixed now in this 1.5 version.
To recap on why this plugin:
The default Zoom Extents Selected tool in Max has an issue when you're in a sub-object level but no sub-object element is selected, pressing Z(the default shortcut) causes Max to Zoom Extents on the whole scene instead of the selected object.

MW RoofGen

15 votes

MW Roofgen Before and After

Instantly Auto Edges

27 votes

Performs auto edge on all selected Editable Meshes,
making imported Revit or AutoCAD meshes more readable.

Get Materials (one click!)

4 votes

A very simple but EXTREMLY USEFUL script you will use all the time!

With just one click it opens the Slate Material Editor and displays all the materials for the selected objects well organized in a clean view.

Forget about the annoying material picker tool. Add this simple button to your toolbar and every time you want to see the material/s for your current selected object/s just click the button and... Voila!

It will save you a lot of time!

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