3ds Max | Scripts


-9 votes

Holex is a scripted modifier plugin for 3ds Max which allows users to create various types of holes in polygon meshes. You can create multiple holes or rivets at the same time or individually across multiple objects.


Quad Chamfer

110 votes

Quad Chamfer is a 3Ds Max script that produce all quad chamfers, unlike the normal 3ds Max chamfer which produces a lot of triangles.

Here are some of the benefits you get:

•You get better results if you use Quad Chamfer in conjunction with turbosmooth

•No more unwanted pinching

•Great topology

•And many more other benefits over the normal chamfer

Optimize Subdivs

0 votes

All materials in scene are influenced by parameters of Optimize Subdivs.
Script work with vRay Materials.
Do you need to change all Subdivs for all materials?
Optimize Subdivs help you.

- Optimize Reflection Subdivs of all Materials
- Optimize Refraction Subdivs of all Materials

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Quick Vray Camera for 3dsMax2016 and Vray 3.xx

4 votes

Very simply script which allows the creation of  "hidden" Vray Physical Camera in 3dsMax2016 with Vray 3.xx


In the last release of Vray 3.2 for 3dsMax, the Vray Camera does not appear; VRay uses the physical camera of 3dsmax. If you write in maxscript: " vrayCreateVRayPhysicalCamera() " we can create the "hidden" Vray physical camera.

Quick Vray Camera, facilitates the work for us.

SimpleWindow object

4 votes

Script makes fixed window with horiz-vert dividers grid, board and sill. Any part of window can switch on/off, so you can easily change it.


6 votes

"Scales an object in the x y and z to exact lengths. can be used to uniformly scale based on one axis - or to non uniformly scale all axis at the same time. simply type in the length you desire in units and hit the button. added support for reset xform and collapse stack to script ui. can be used on multiple selected objects.
New features in 2.0 include workflow improvements - the ability to resize on local world and all other coordinate systems and a dimensions tool ( the dimensions tool only works on single objects).

Ceiling Grid Generator

99 votes

Ceiling Grid Generator is a free MaxScript that will quickly create 'metal' ceiling grids commonly seen in commercial interior spaces where acoustical tile ceiling exists.

This script allows you to set custom sizing for the tile openings, the width of the grid, the height of the grid, and also creates the strips along the border for a nice finished look. You can also shift the grid side to side or up and down as well as rotate the grid. You can then preview the final grid, or go back and make more changes before committing to a grid that fits your space perfectly.


4 votes

All lights in scene are influenced by parameters of LightMod.
If you selected some lights on scene , all lights selected change based on LightMod parameters.
Usefull with non instanced light.
Script work with vRay Light.

- Cast Shadow
- Double Sided
- Invisible
- No Decay
- SkyLight Portal
- Simple Portal
- Affect Reflections
- Length and width parameters
- Subdivs parameter
- Multiplier parameter

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Obj2Spline Align

54 votes



A script that aligns objects along a path or spline. much more editable than the spacing tool. see how it works here or download complete package (with mini tut).

Power Render Terminate

74 votes



Script Power Render Terminate - for 3d Max provides the ability to render multiple cameras at the end can turn off your computer, save rendered images, send e-mail notifications.

 Other versions 2016

Version 1.4.7:

  • Compatible with 3D max 2014

New features in version 1.4.5:

  • Fixed black images in vray 2.30
  • Fixed reset in Mental Ray
  • Added format vrimg

Version 1.4.3:

  • Compatible with 3D max 2013

Version 1.4:

  • Support for 3D Max Version 2012
  • Saving and loading of all settings

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