V-RayMax Converter PRO

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V-RayMax Converter PRO is the best tool for convert 3d scene (materials, maps, lights, cameras, proxies, modifiers, helpers, render elements, etc.) from various render engines to V-Ray and from V-Ray to Corona Render, and also for converting V-Ray and Corona materials/maps to Standard materials/maps.

V-RayMax Converter PRO converts the source materials with maximum possible preservation of the basic material properties, such as diffuse, specular, opacity, glossiness, roughness, bump, displacement, selfillumination (emission), translucency, reflection, refraction, although it is necessary to understand that certain materials may need adjustments once the conversion process is complete. Also, all the textures that are used for the above parameters were saved. As for the special procedural maps, they are converted only if there is an analogue. Otherwise, procedural maps are baked into textures or removed if the resulting materials can be used without them.

Current version: 4.0032

Supported for conversion:

To V-Ray from:
  • Standard (Default Scanline)
  • Corona Render
  • FStorm Render
  • Octane Render
  • finalRender
  • Arnold
  • Brazil_Advanced (RS v 1.2) material
  • NVIDIA iray (unofficial) material.
From V-Ray to:
  • Standard (Default Scanline) materials/maps
  • Corona Render (v9 or higher)
From Corona (materials/maps) to:
  • Standard (Default Scanline) material/maps

See full list of supported conversions.

Main features:

  • Convert materials, maps, lights, cameras, modifiers, helpers and GI environment from supported renderers to V-Ray and from V-Ray to Corona
  • Convert clouds from CoronaSky to VRaySun and vice versa.
  • Convert Render Elements to V-Ray (currently supported Scanline RE, Corona RE, FStorm RE, Octane RE) and from V-Ray to Corona
  • Convert V-Ray and Corona materials|maps to Standard (Default Scanline) materials|maps
  • Convert proxies (currently supported from Corona, FStorm, Octane) to V-Ray Proxy (static and animated)
  • Convert V-Ray Proxy to Corona Proxy (static and animated)
  • Convert standard Bitmaps to VRayBitmap (VRayHDRI) and vice versa
  • Convert 3ds Max Physical cameras to V-Ray Physical cameras and vice versa
  • Automatic configure ACEScg workflow in V-Ray
  • Batch processing for multiple *.max files
  • Programmatically interact with most converter functions using built-in maxscript methods (API), which allows you to use the converter without UI and in combination with other 3rd-party scripts.
  • ...and more additional tools for fixing and adjusting the scene.

Additional Info: 

More detailed information about the all features and capabilities of the "V-RayMax Converter PRO" can be found here: https://maxtools.3dzver.ru/vmcpro

Also, on this V-RayMax Converter telegram channel, you can read about all the updates.

IMPORTANT: To convert between different rendering engines, it is necessary that these rendering engines are installed (alpha/beta/dailybuilds/rc versions are not supported).

Please, respect the developers and other users - do not post promotional messages in comments (ie spam).

If you have any suggestions or comments related to the work of the plugin, use the support form at this webpage: https://maxtools.3dzver.ru/supportpro

Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 2018-2025
Other Software Required: 
V-Ray Advanced 5.xx.xx - V-Ray 6.xx.xx


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3DZver's picture

The website is operating

The website is operating normally and no access problems have been detected. Make sure that your firewall/antivirus on the system or your Internet provider is not blocking access to the address https://maxtools.3dzver.ru

themaxxer's picture

website down - plugin doesn't work...


do you plan to get online soon?
I need this plugin for work...


best regards

3DZver's picture

New update v4.0028 are available!

v4.0028 release notes:

  • Added compatibility with Corona 11
  • Added "Fix Blur value" option on the "Adv.Tools" tab to correct the blur value in the bitmap texture and VRayBitmap if it is less than 0.1. Also, blur value is automatically corrected when converting these maps.
  • Fixed incorrect position of the VRayEnmeshMod gizmo when converting from CoronaPatternMod

My experience


Great tool!
I use all it a lot ! Great!



3DZver's picture

New update v4.0023 are available

Release notes:

  • added conversion from Corona materials/maps to Standard (Default Scanline) materials/maps.
  • added conversion from MultiTile to VRayBitmap with appropriate UDIM/UVTILE tags.
  • added support conversion additional inputs with MultiOutputChannelTexmap from CoronaColorCorrect, CoronaTriplanar and CoronaMappingRandomizer texmaps.
3DZver's picture

New update v4.0022 are available

Release notes:

  • add support for Corona v10
3DZver's picture

Automatic check for updates

Automatic check for updates occurs only when you start the converter and if you have an internet connection, and should not interfere with the work on the project. If you receive a message about an update when starting the converter, then you can simply refuse the update at the current moment and continue working. However, we will provide an option that will allow you to disable automatic checking for updates when starting the converter and do it yourself whenever you see fit, although most often updates fix critical errors and we recommend that you always update the converter on time to avoid future problems when working on projects.

locb's picture

Check for updates, it's

Check for updates, it's annoying to be notified of a new version during a project

3DZver's picture

Added in version 4.0015

Added in version 4.0015

3DZver's picture

You are getting this message

You are getting this message because your current scene has not been saved anywhere and is named "Undefined".
For all questions write to [email protected] and they will help you.

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